Using the API

If you have access to the API and the feature is enabled for your Landboss account, the API can be used to access content in Landboss from other applications.

To use the API, you must have API access enabled. Read more at Enabling API Access

What format do requests need to be made in?

A request to the API will need to be built as follows: https://{companyUrl}/API/{yourApiKey}/{area}/{method}/{argument}

For example, if you wanted to return data for a single lease in the the database with an id of 103, you'd enter the following into the URL:

The data returned by the API is in JSON format.

Retrieving Parties

All parties in the system can be accessed with the API.

Fields Returned

  • Id: the party record id
  • Name: full name of the party
  • TaxId: the tax id of the party or an empty string if it isn't entered or if you don't have the SSN/Tax ID Access permission
  • Address: the contact address of the party or "null" if there isn't one
    • Id: the party address record id
    • Street1: line one of the address or an empty string
    • Street2: line two of the address or an empty string
    • City: the city or an empty string
    • State: the state abbreviation or an empty string
    • Zip: the zipcode or an empty string

Available Methods

Returns all parties in the system.

Returns a single party with the provided id.

Returns a list of parties with the provided tax id.  Note that you will need the SSN/Tax ID Access permission to access this method.

Retrieving Tracts

All tracts that you have access to in the system can be accessed with the API.

Fields Returned

  • Id: the tract record id
  • Number: the tract number
  • Label: the tract label
  • GrossAcres: the total gross acres of the tract
  • Owners: the list of owners
    • Id: the tract owner record id 
    • PartyId: the party record id for the owner
    • IsStranger: whether or not the owner is flagged as a stranger in title
    • ApparentHeirToPartyId: the party record id that the owner is an apparent heir to
    • NetMineralAcres: the number of mineral acres the owner owns
    • NetMineralInterest: the owners decimal mineral interest of the tract
    • NetSurfaceAcres: the number of surface acres the owner owns
    • NetSurfaceInterest: the owners decimal surface interest of the tract
  • LegalDescription: the legal description of the tract
  • Location: the plss section, abstract, etc. of the tract

Available Methods

Returns all tracts that you have access to in the system.

Returns a single tract with the provided id as long as you have access to it.

Returns all tracts that you have access to and that have the provided tract number.

Returns all tracts that you have access to and that have the provided tract label.

Returns all tracts that you have access to and that are owned by the provided party id.

Retrieving Leases

All leases that you have access to in the system can be accessed with the API.

Fields Returned

  • Id: the lease record id
  • Code: the lease code
  • LesseeId: the party record id of the lessee
  • Lessors: the list of lessor records which is essentially a cross section of a party and tract, so if a party owns multiple tracts on the lease, then a record for each tract will be included
    • Id: the lessor record id
    • PartyId: the party record id of the lessor party
    • TractId: the tract record id of the lessor party
    • NetMineralInterest: the lessors decimal mineral interest of the tract
    • NetMineralAcres: the number of mineral acres the lessor owns
    • NetSurfaceInterest: the lessors decimal surface interest of the tract
    • NetSurfaceAcres: the number of surface acres the lessor owns
    • LeasedAcres: the number of the lessors mineral acres that the lease covers
  • LessorPartyIds: a list of each unique party record id for the lessors since the lessors field can contain duplicate id's due to the database structure
  • TractIds: a list of each unique tract record id on the lease since the lessors field can contain duplicate id's due to the database structure
  • Status: the status of the lease, ie "Signed", "Offer", etc.
  • TotalGrossAcres: the total number of gross acres of all of the tracts on the lease
  • TotalNetMineralAcres: the total number of net mineral acres of all of the lessors on the lease
  • TotalLeasedAcres: the total number of net mineral acres that the lease covers
  • PrimaryTerm: friendly string for the number of years and months that the lease is for, ie "5 Years"
  • PrimaryTermInMonths: number of total months of the primary term, ie 60
  • OilRoyalty: the faction or decimal value of the oil royalty amount
  • OilRoyaltyDecimal: the decimal value of the oil royalty amount
  • GasRoyalty: the fraction or decimal value of the gas royalty amount
  • GasRoyaltyDecimal: the decimal value of the gas royalty amount
  • BonusPerAcre: the amount of money to be paid per leased acre upon signing
  • TotalBonus: the total amount of the bonus
  • LeaseDate: the date of the lease
  • EffectiveDate: the date the lease is effective
  • OriginalExpirationDate: the expiration date of the lease before any renewal or extension
  • CurrentExpirationDate: the actual expiration date of the lease (updated after renewals or extensions)
  • BonusDueDate: the date that the bonus is due
  • HasOptionToRenew: whether or not the lease contains a renewal or extension clause
  • RenewalTerm: friendly string for the number of years and months that the renewal term is for, ie "2 Years"
  • RenewalTermInYears: number of total months of the renewal term, ie 24
  • RenewalPerAcres: the amount of money to be paid per leased acre upon activation of renewal clause
  • TotalRenewal: the total amount of the renewal payment
  • HasShutInClause: whether or not the lease has a shutin clause
  • IsTopLease: whether or not the lease is a top lease

Available Methods

Returns all leases that you have access to in the system.

Returns a single lease with the provided id as long as you have access to it.

Returns all leases that you have access to and that have the provided party id as the lessee.

Returns all leases that you have access to and that have the provided party id as one of the lessors.

Returns all leases that you have access to and that have the provided lease code.


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