
  • Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks

    This article guides you through exporting invoices created in Landboss to QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Setting Mileage Rates

    Follow the instructions in this article to set the mileage rate for clients.

  • Billing Code Info Screen

    Create or edit billing codes using this screen.

  • Lease Template Info Screen

    Create or edit lease templates using this screen.

  • Introduction to QuickBooks Integration

    After invoices and paystubs have been generated in Landboss, it is possible to export that data to QuickBooks Desktop to ensure that your accounting records always match.

  • Work Code Info Screen

    Create or edit work codes using this screen.

  • Linking Landboss To Accounts in QuickBooks

    Before you can begin exporting your accounting records to QuickBooks Desktop, you'll need to choose which QuickBooks accounts Landboss should map to. Follow the steps in this article to link Landboss to your QuickBooks accounts.

  • QuickBooks Export Screen (Invoices)

  • Company Info Screen

    Edit the name, address, phone, logo, and other company details using this screen.

  • Lease Template Special Provisions Screen

    Add, edit, or remove the special provisions for a lease template using this screen.

  • User Info Screen

    Create or edit users using this screen.

  • Creating a New User

    Each of your users will have their own Landboss account. Watch the video in this article, or follow the instructions to learn how to create a user in Landboss.

  • Pay Rates

    A user's pay rate is how much they are paid for the work they do and is used when generating payroll. Pay rates are set on user profiles. Follow the steps in this article to learn how to set up pay rates.

  • Generate Lease Package Screen

    Generate a single PDF from multiple related lease documents and reports using this screen.

  • Role Info Screen

    Create or edit security roles using this screen.

  • Pay Rate Examples

    This article lists some examples of the pay rate system to help you understand how the various rates override each other.

  • Exporting Payroll to QuickBooks

    Follow the steps in this article to learn how to export payroll data to QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Linking Prospects in Landboss to Jobs in QuickBooks

    Before you can export invoice data for a Prospect to QuickBooks Desktop, you must link the Prospect to a Customer Job in your QuickBooks company file.

  • QuickBooks Export Screen for Paystubs

    Use this screen to send paystub data to Quickbooks Desktop.

  • Special Provision Info Screen

    Create or edit special provisions using the Special Provision Info screen.

  • Creating a Client

    You can either create a client in the Client section of the Admin area, or you can create a Client on-the-fly while creating a Prospect. The steps in this article will teach you how to create a client in the Client section of the Admin area.

  • User Pay Rates Screen

    Use this screen to configure pay rates for a user.

  • Client Bill Rates Screen

    Use this screen to configure the bill rates for this client.

  • Editing Existing Roles

    Roles are made up of a list of permissions that are granted to users that are in the role. This article goes through adding and removing permissions from an existing role.

  • How do I transfer a license to another user?

    If you want to transfer a license to another user, you'll need to first deactivate the current license-holder and then assign the license to the new license-holder.

  • Reviewing Time Entries for All Users

    If a user should review all the time and expenses entered into Landboss, the best way to achieve that is to grant that user the Review All Time permissions.

  • Creating a New Role

    When you open a new Landboss account, there are a number of existing roles already created for you. We have have found these roles fit the majority of users, but have provided the option of administrators creating their own roles to customize what users can and cannot see.

  • Prospect Bill Rates Screen

    Use this screen to configure the bill rates for this prospect.

  • Introduction to Pay Rates

    Pay Rates are the amounts you pay your contractors for the work they perform and are used when generating payroll. They are set up on the Pay Rates tab of a user's profile. When you first create a user, the pay rates used will be the default values entered on the Company Info page.

  • Removing a User

    When a user leaves the company, we recommend an administrator deactivate the former employee's account. Watch the video in this article, or follow the instructions, to learn how to deactivate a user in Landboss.

  • Lease Template Rental Screen

    Enter rental information for a lease using this screen.

  • Setting up Time Reviewers

    This article is an introduction to setting up time reviewers in Landboss.

  • Lease Form Upload Screen

    This screen is used to upload the blank lease forms that can be used to generate lease documents like contracts and offer letters.

  • Reviewing Time for Specific Users

    This article will guide you through setting up a user as a time reviewer for one or more other users in Landboss.

  • Client Accounting Setup Screen

    Set the accounting options for a client using this screen.

  • How do I update the Landboss QuickBooks Exporter?

    The Landboss QuickBooks Exporter is a separate utility from Landboss that handles the export process when you choose to export your accounting data to QuickBooks and it is usually installed automatically as needed. Occasionally, we release a new version of the utility that requires you to re-install it.

  • Creating a Prospect

    Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to create a prospect in Landboss.

  • Configuring Company Info

    A lot of information is tucked away on the Company Info page; for example, your company's name and address, accounting setup, security options, and mapping colors.


  • Enabling API Access

    Before users can access the API, they need to have API Access enabled for their user account and a unique access token generated for them. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to enable API access for a user.

  • Using the API

    If you have access to the API and the feature is enabled for your Landboss account, the API can be used to access content in Landboss from other applications.

Common Questions

  • What do I do if I forget my password?

    If you've forgotten your password, or you've been locked out of your account after too many incorrect password attempts, you can request your password be reset by following the directions in this article.

  • Why can't I find the record that I'm searching for?

    Landboss saves the last search filters that you used on the various search screens and it is possible to overlook previously entered filters. To ensure that you are starting from a blank search form click the reset link that is located right next to the search button.

  • How can I stop getting notification emails?

    By default, all users will receive notification emails for any prospect that they have access to. You can unsubscribe from those emails by following the directions in this article.

  • What should I do if I think I've found a bug?

    We do our best to not introduce bugs in our software, but they still do happen. If you think you've found one, please let us know immediately.

  • Why can't I login after resetting my password?

    If you are having trouble logging in and resetting your password is not working, then it is possible that your user account has been deactivated by an account administrator.


  • Which browsers are supported?

    Landboss supports all major browsers and will likely work in most lesser known browsers; however, there are certain features that, for technical reasons, will work only in specific browsers.

  • How do I add a husband and wife, trust, or company?

    In Landboss, there are two different types of parties: individuals and companies. An individual is one person who owns his interest individually, while a company could be a legal corporation, a trust, a joint tenancy, a tenancy in common, etc. In short, create a company for anything that is not an individual person.

  • Why can't I upload PDF receipts?

    Receipts that are uploaded are automatically sorted, indexed, and added to the PDF that is generated when printing expense reports, so, they need to be in an image format so the system can processed them correctly. The supported image formats are: .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png format.

  • Logging in to Landboss

    Learn how to login to Landboss by following these step-by-step instructions.

  • What do I do if I forget my password?

    If you've forgotten your password, or you've been locked out of your account after too many incorrect password attempts, you can request your password be reset by following the directions in this article.

  • How do I change my password?

    Learn how to change your password by following the directions in this article.

  • What should be done if an employee leaves the company?

    When a user leaves the company, we recommend an administrator deactivate the former employee's account. Deactivating a former employee's account will not delete any work he's done in Landboss, but will prevent him from being able to log in to Landboss or receive notification emails. In addition, the license that was being used by the former employee will now be freed up and can be assigned to a new employee.

  • Why can't I find the record that I'm searching for?

    Landboss saves the last search filters that you used on the various search screens and it is possible to overlook previously entered filters. To ensure that you are starting from a blank search form click the reset link that is located right next to the search button.

  • What do I do if I'm locked out of my account?

    If you enter an incorrect password too many times, Landboss will temporarily lock your account for security reasons. This article goes over the various ways you can unlock your account.

  • How do I deactivate a prospect?

    Deactivating a prospect keeps the information you've entered into Landboss, but hides it from view and reports. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to deactivate a prospect.

  • How do I transfer a license to another user?

    If you want to transfer a license to another user, you'll need to first deactivate the current license-holder and then assign the license to the new license-holder.

  • Why are time entries showing up as unapproved when I make an invoice?

    Landboss requires time entries to be approved by one or more users before the entries can be used to either create an invoice or generate payroll. If multiple time reviewers are configured for a time entry, the entry requires all time reviewers approve it.

  • How do licenses work?

    Landboss has three different types of licenses: Full Access, Accounting, and View Only and each user will occupy a single license.

  • How can I stop getting notification emails?

    By default, all users will receive notification emails for any prospect that they have access to. You can unsubscribe from those emails by following the directions in this article.

  • Merging Parties

    If you have duplicate parties, you can merge them via the Parties page. Watch the video in this article or follow the step-by-step instructions to learn how to merge duplicate parties in Landboss.

  • What coordinate system do Shapefiles need to be in to be uploaded to Landboss?

    To correctly map a Shapefile on a tract, it must be in WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system.

  • What should I do if I think I've found a bug?

    We do our best to not introduce bugs in our software, but they still do happen. If you think you've found one, please let us know immediately.

  • How do I update the Landboss QuickBooks Exporter?

    The Landboss QuickBooks Exporter is a separate utility from Landboss that handles the export process when you choose to export your accounting data to QuickBooks and it is usually installed automatically as needed. Occasionally, we release a new version of the utility that requires you to re-install it.

  • Why can't I login after resetting my password?

    If you are having trouble logging in and resetting your password is not working, then it is possible that your user account has been deactivated by an account administrator.


  • Exporting Invoices to QuickBooks

    This article guides you through exporting invoices created in Landboss to QuickBooks Desktop.

  • Invoice Search Screen

    This screen provides a variety of filter options for searching for invoices that have been created in Landboss.

  • QuickBooks Export Screen (Invoices)

  • Creating a Work Invoice

    Work invoices are created using contractors' time entries. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to create work invoices in Landboss.

  • Editing Invoices

    It is not generally recommended to edit invoices. Usually, it's best to edit the timesheet entries and then recalculate the invoice. If desired, however, you can add, edit, or delete line items on an invoice. The instructions in this article will show you how to make changes to an invoice.

  • Deleting Invoices

    There are two ways to delete an invoice: either from the Search Invoices screen or from the View Invoice screen. We'll review step-by-step instructions for both methods in this article.

  • Create Work Invoice Screen

    Use this screen to create an invoice for a prospect from time and expenses.

  • View Invoice Screen

    This screen is where you can view and print an invoice. More advanced actions are available here as well.

  • Edit Invoice Screen

    This screen is where you can edit things like the client address, invoice number, as well as the invoice line items.

  • Printing Invoices

    You can either print individual invoices from View Invoice screen, or print multiple invoices from the Search Invoices screen. This article includes step-by-step instructions for both methods.

Lease Forms

  • Make Lease Forms Screen

    You can generate documents from lease form templates for a batch of leases at once using this screen.

  • Lease Forms Screen

    This screen is used to specify which lease form template Landboss should use to generate specific documents.

  • Introduction to Lease Forms

    Using Microsoft Word® and mail merge technology, you can take the names, terms, legal descriptions, and more entered into Landboss and generate offer letters, lease forms, and other types of documents.

  • Creating Lease Forms in Word 2003

    Follow the instructions in this article to create a lease form for Landboss using Microsoft Word 2003.

  • Lease Form Upload Screen

    This screen is used to upload the blank lease forms that can be used to generate lease documents like contracts and offer letters.

  • Generating a Lease Form

    Once you've created your lease form templates using Landboss's data file and your Word document, you can then generate the final lease forms out of Landboss. The steps in this article will show you how to generate lease forms in Landboss.

  • Merging Lease Forms

    You can merge the data that you've entered into Landboss into your lease form templates to make finished lease forms such as lease contracts, offer letters, and more. You can generate the lease forms for either one lease at a time or for a batch of leases.

  • Creating Lease Forms in Word 2007 or later

    Follow the instructions in this article to create a lease form for Landboss using Microsoft Word 2007 or later.

  • Uploading Lease Forms

    Before a lease form template can be used, it must be uploaded to the Lease Forms section in the Admin area in Landboss. This article steps you through the process.

Lease Statuses

  • Creating New Lease Statuses

    A lease's status is the current status of a lease. We've added multiple default lease statuses into the system, but you can create your own to help streamline the way you already do your work.

  • Editing Lease Statuses

    Lease statuses help you track where a lease is in your company workflow. Landboss provides several common statuses out of the box, but you can add, edit, or delete them using this screen.


  • Make Lease Forms Screen

    You can generate documents from lease form templates for a batch of leases at once using this screen.

  • Creating New Lease Statuses

    A lease's status is the current status of a lease. We've added multiple default lease statuses into the system, but you can create your own to help streamline the way you already do your work.

  • Lease Template Info Screen

    Create or edit lease templates using this screen.

  • Lease Parties & Tracts Screen

  • Lease Template Special Provisions Screen

    Add, edit, or remove the special provisions for a lease template using this screen.

  • Lease Provisions Screen

  • Generate Lease Package Screen

    Generate a single PDF from multiple related lease documents and reports using this screen.

  • Lease Forms Screen

    This screen is used to specify which lease form template Landboss should use to generate specific documents.

  • Lease Tasks Screen

  • Editing Lease Statuses

    Lease statuses help you track where a lease is in your company workflow. Landboss provides several common statuses out of the box, but you can add, edit, or delete them using this screen.

  • Introduction to Lease Forms

    Using Microsoft Word® and mail merge technology, you can take the names, terms, legal descriptions, and more entered into Landboss and generate offer letters, lease forms, and other types of documents.

  • Party Search Screen (Advanced)

  • Lease Terms Screen

  • Lease Search Screen

  • Creating a Tract On-the-Fly

    To save time, you can create a tract on-the-fly while you're creating a lease or lease offer. Creating a tract on-the-fly will create the tract of land, add the lessor as an owner of the tract, and add the tract of land to the lease.

  • Creating Lease Forms in Word 2003

    Follow the instructions in this article to create a lease form for Landboss using Microsoft Word 2003.

  • Changing a Lease's Status

    Leases in Landboss have customizable statuses that can be used to quickly track whether it is in the offer stage, if it has been signed, if it is HBP, and more. Watch the training video or follow the instructions in this article to learn how to change the status of a lease.

  • Lease Template Rental Screen

    Enter rental information for a lease using this screen.

  • Creating a Lease Offer

    Watch the training video or follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to create new lease offers in Landboss.

  • Lease Form Upload Screen

    This screen is used to upload the blank lease forms that can be used to generate lease documents like contracts and offer letters.

  • Lease Rental Screen

    Enter rental information for a lease using this screen. Specify the rental details for the lease such as rental per acre, the first due date, and the number of payments and Landboss will generate the obligation schedule.

  • Lease Documents Screen

  • Generating a Lease Form

    Once you've created your lease form templates using Landboss's data file and your Word document, you can then generate the final lease forms out of Landboss. The steps in this article will show you how to generate lease forms in Landboss.

  • Merging Lease Forms

    You can merge the data that you've entered into Landboss into your lease form templates to make finished lease forms such as lease contracts, offer letters, and more. You can generate the lease forms for either one lease at a time or for a batch of leases.

  • Adding Existing Leases

    Follow the instructions in this article to add an existing signed lease to Landboss.

  • Creating Lease Forms in Word 2007 or later

    Follow the instructions in this article to create a lease form for Landboss using Microsoft Word 2007 or later.

  • Uploading Lease Forms

    Before a lease form template can be used, it must be uploaded to the Lease Forms section in the Admin area in Landboss. This article steps you through the process.

Licenses and Billing

  • How do I transfer a license to another user?

    If you want to transfer a license to another user, you'll need to first deactivate the current license-holder and then assign the license to the new license-holder.

  • How do licenses work?

    Landboss has three different types of licenses: Full Access, Accounting, and View Only and each user will occupy a single license.


  • Tract Map Screen

  • Exporting Multiple Shapefiles

    Th step-by-step instructions in this article will walk you through exporting the shape for multiple tracts.

  • Mapping Tracts

    There are multiple ways to plot your tract shapes in Landboss. This article serves as an index of the various ways you can add a map of a tract.

  • Uploading a Shapefile

    You can upload a Shapefile to Landboss and use it as your tract shape. To correctly map a Shapefile on a tract, it must use the WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system.

  • Drawing Shapes with the Sketch Shape Tool

    If Landboss isn't able to automatically generate your shape from a legal description, you can use the Sketch Shape tool to manually sketch your tract's shape. Read this article to learn how to use the Sketch Shape tool.

  • Using the Silverlight Mapping Control in Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft has announced the retirement of Internet Explorer, so version 11 is the last version that supports Silverlight. Silverlight is needed to interact with the Landboss Mapping feature. Until the Silverlight Mapping Control is replaced with a version that works in all browsers, users can use Microsoft Edge which has backward compatibility mode to IE.



Popular Topics

  • Logging in to Landboss

    Learn how to login to Landboss by following these step-by-step instructions.

  • Introduction to QuickBooks Integration

    After invoices and paystubs have been generated in Landboss, it is possible to export that data to QuickBooks Desktop to ensure that your accounting records always match.

  • Mapping Tracts

    There are multiple ways to plot your tract shapes in Landboss. This article serves as an index of the various ways you can add a map of a tract.

  • Introduction to Lease Forms

    Using Microsoft Word® and mail merge technology, you can take the names, terms, legal descriptions, and more entered into Landboss and generate offer letters, lease forms, and other types of documents.

  • Creating a New Tract

    Landboss is a tract-based system and lease and lease offer records that are added to the system are attached to tract records, so before adding leases, you must first tell Landboss where the tract of land is and how many acres it contains. To create a tract of land that can be used to add owners and leases to, follow the steps in this article.

  • Entering Time and Expenses

    Entering time and expenses into Landboss is straightforward. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how, or watch the training video to learn how to enter time, view timesheets, edit/delete time entries, as well as how to print or export your timesheets.

  • Creating a Lease Offer

    Watch the training video or follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to create new lease offers in Landboss.

  • Using the Silverlight Mapping Control in Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft has announced the retirement of Internet Explorer, so version 11 is the last version that supports Silverlight. Silverlight is needed to interact with the Landboss Mapping feature. Until the Silverlight Mapping Control is replaced with a version that works in all browsers, users can use Microsoft Edge which has backward compatibility mode to IE.




