Popular Topics
Introduction to QuickBooks Integration
After invoices and paystubs have been generated in Landboss, it is possible to export that data to QuickBooks Desktop to ensure that your accounting records always match.
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Logging in to Landboss
Learn how to login to Landboss by following these step-by-step instructions.
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Introduction to Lease Forms
Using Microsoft Word® and mail merge technology, you can take the names, terms, legal descriptions, and more entered into Landboss and generate offer letters, lease forms, and other types of documents.
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Mapping Tracts
There are multiple ways to plot your tract shapes in Landboss. This article serves as an index of the various ways you can add a map of a tract.
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Creating a Lease Offer
Watch the training video or follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how to create new lease offers in Landboss.
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Entering Time and Expenses
Entering time and expenses into Landboss is straightforward. Follow the step-by-step instructions in this article to learn how, or watch the training video to learn how to enter time, view timesheets, edit/delete time entries, as well as how to print or export your timesheets.
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Creating a New Tract
Landboss is a tract-based system and lease and lease offer records that are added to the system are attached to tract records, so before adding leases, you must first tell Landboss where the tract of land is and how many acres it contains. To create a tract of land that can be used to add owners and leases to, follow the steps in this article.
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